Office: 318 Home Ave, Maryville, tn 37801

MEETS @ 10am
ALCOA HIGH SCHOOL (new building)
1205 Lodge Street | Alcoa, TN 37701
See what's
Is it challenging for you to develop the kind of spiritual life that helps you connect with the love of God more? Do you start spiritual habits only to have them fail after a short time? The Common Rule, as COTR is adapting it, includes 8 simple spiritual habits that we will practice alongside each other. Check out those spiritual habits by clicking here. Our hope is that by doing these together as an entire church, we will be able to better know the love of God for ourselves. Sign-up here if you just want to say with the church: "I am committed to trying this." An optional add-on to this experience will be participating in our discussion-based workshop on the Common Rule. Mostly we will ask one another, "how is your experience going with the Common Rule? What are you noticing about God? Yourself?" This workshop will take place on Wednesdays March 26, April 2, and April 9.
Redeemer Equips - Spring Session #2
(March 26-May 7, skipping April 16 because of Holy Week)
We will offer 3 adult workshops at the church office, with childcare provided.
The Common Rule Discussion Groups (March 26, April 2 and 9) led by Pastor Dave Strunk.
The Gospel Centered Life Workshop (March 26-May 7) led by Pastor Ben Ruyack
Do you ever feel like you aren't able to get past the same sin patterns in your life? Do you ever feel like a spiritual orphan running around frantically trying to take care of your needs? Do your everyday actions contradict what you say you believe? If any of those questions are true, the Gospel Centered Life will be a blessing to you. For more information and to register, click here -
The Gospel Centered Life.
Almost Christian" Workshop led by Scottie Hill (March 26-May 7) Do you ever wonder what's going on with the young people in our culture? It's easy to blame things within our culture. However, author Kenda Dean articulates in the book, Almost Christian, the problem may not be about what's happening out there, but is actually a little closer to home: "Since the religious and spiritual choices of American teenagers echo, with astonishing clarity, the religious and spiritual choices of the adults who love them, lackadaisical faith is not young people's issue, but ours." This will be a great opportunity to discuss some of the challenges facing young people's faith, what that might reveal to us about our own faith, and what it could look like to help nurture a lasting, meaningful faith in this generation and the next. For more information and to register, click here -
Almost Christian
We are excited for how the Lord is going to use these workshops and we hope you take advantage of them. If you have any questions, please contact Ben Ruyack at
Bible Boot Camp
March 26, April 2, 9, 23 and 30 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm at the church office, 318 Home Ave. Maryville.
1st thru 5th grades.  Kids and Volunteers join us for 5 weeks of fun as we strengthen basic skills on navigating God's Word. We want your join us as we discover where to find the book of Amos, be familiar with God's Law, the Gospel, and to be bold in prayer. Week 5, we invite parents (and siblings) to join us as we go through fun drills together. Please register your 1 to 5 graders by contacting
...that in everything Christ might be preeminent.
Colossians 1:18
Come See Us
Worship every Sunday | 10:00 am
Meets @ Alcoa High School (new building)
1205 Lodge Street | Alcoa, TN 37701