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Is it challenging for you to develop the kind of spiritual life that helps you connect with the love of God more? Do you start spiritual habits only to have them fail after a short time? If so, we invite you to practice the Common Rule with the whole church over the season of Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday on March 5 and going til Easter on April 20. The Common Rule, as COTR is adapting it, includes 8 simple spiritual habits that we will practice alongside each other. Check out those spiritual habits by clicking here. Our hope is that by doing these together as an entire church, we will be able to better know the love of God for ourselves. Sign-up here if you just want to say with the church: "I am committed to trying this." An optional add-on to this experience will be participating in our discussion-based workshop on the Common Rule. Mostly we will ask one another, "how is your experience going with the Common Rule? What are you noticing about God? Yourself?" This workshop will take place on Wednesdays March 26, April 2, and April 9. Time of Prayer and Silence
Do you ever want things to quiet down just a bit? What might God do with an hour of quiet - just you and Him? For years, theologians, scientists, and Jesus Himself told us of the deep goodness our mind, body and soul experience by spending intentional time in silence and prayer. So, we invite you - the one who wants to pray but needs to get away from the distractions of home - to hear “the still, small voice” And you - the one who will make that appointment if it’s on the calendar. And also to you - the one who isn’t sure God has anything to say to them but is willing to bend an ear one more time - you are invited to a weekly gathering of peace and quiet at the COTR office. COTR office doors will open just before 6:30 am and gently close at 7:30 am, 318 Home Ave, Maryville. Hot coffee, warm lights, and a whole lot of comfortable quiet for you and God. Come when you can - leave when you want.“Without silence, we do not really experience our experiences. We have many experiences, but they do not have the power to change us, to awaken us, to give us that joy or 'peace that the world cannot give', as Jesus says (John 14:27).”~ Richard Rohr
Any questions ? contact Jo Simeone 865-208-6702 Are you interested in becoming a member or just finding out more about Church of the Redeemer? We’ll be meeting for Redeemer Explored, Sunday, Mar 2 and 9 from 8:15 am- 9:45 am at Alcoa High School, before church. We want to give you the chance to explore who we are, where we came from, what we believe, and more. We're far from the perfect church: we are imperfect people who strive to make much of a perfect, reconciling God. We’d love for you to join us! Please register by clicking on the link below and filling out the form - Redeemer Explored - March 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ben at ...that in everything Christ might be preeminent.
Colossians 1:18
Come See Us
Worship every Sunday | 10:00 am
Meets @ Alcoa High School (new building)
1205 Lodge Street | Alcoa, TN 37701