Our Values
The Gospel is the good news about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and is for all people for all of life from all of Scripture. It is the message for people to become Christians and to grow as Christians. It is for the ‘spiritual’ parts of our lives, as well as every other part of our lives. And it is the message from Genesis to Revelation. We want our church not just to believe these things, but to celebrate them, relying on Jesus completely in a lifestyle of repentance and faith.
Through prayer, through our own members in their daily lives, through partnership with other ministries, and through church planting, we desire for the good news of Jesus Christ to be spread in word and deed.
We desire for the people of our church to be connected in meaningful friendships with one another, becoming more deeply involved in the life of the church, and through serving others and being served. In addition, we want to be connected to other churches as the Body of Christ locally, and we want to be connected in loving and faithful accountability to our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
We want to love God with all our minds, and all our hearts, and all our wills, and all our strength. We want to experience the deep riches of God and how He speaks to us in His Scriptures. We want to be with Father, Son, and Spirit and commune with Him. We want our worship to exhibit the depths of the Christian tradition as well as the richness and liveliness of contemporary expression.
We desire a focus on our Triune God: Father, Son, and Spirit. As such, we want to unite around Him with church members and newcomers from all walks of life: different ages, life circumstances, ethnicities, and incomes.